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Closer to Love: How to Attract the Right Relationships and Deepen Your Connections

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This book, in contrast to many others of its type, successfully strikes a balance between a spiritual and a psychological understanding of love. With the author’s insight and counsel condensed into a motivating and well-written book, I discovered a lot of new things. This is a straightforward, honest book that examines how partners might behave in relationships. It offers advice on how to handle problems and disagreements as well as ways to analyze your past, spot trends in the relationships you’ve attracted, and boost your attractiveness in the future. Self-love is important in a relationship because it helps to create a strong foundation of trust, respect, and understanding between partners. When both partners have a positive sense of self-love, they can communicate openly and honestly without fear of judgment. Self-love also leads to greater self-awareness, which can help each partner understand their own needs and boundaries better, which in turn can help to create a healthier and more respectful relationship.

When you start a new relationship, no doubt you are on a high. You feel great about yourself because you are loved, admired, appreciated, and wanted. Your self-worth rises to new levels because someone loves you. It's all music and roses. When the relationship ends, you take a nosedive, experiencing feelings of failure and self-doubt, thinking there's something wrong with you, or that you're not 'good enough'. That's a terrible penance to pay, and one we inflict on ourselves without mercy. It's funny how, when we are in love, our attention shifts fully to the other person as they become the center of our world. On the other hand, after a painful breakup, we turn in on ourselves and over-obsess on our failures.

cum se întâmplă: partenerul se întinde după telefon imediat ce vă duceți la culcare, partenera continuă să facă planuri care nu te includ și pe tine...și așa mai departe. Ți se vorbește ca și cum ai fi un idiot, partenerul de viață îți adresează remarci sarcastice, mormăi ceva jignitor în barbă, te întorci acasă și dai iarăși de o grămadă de vase murdare, indiscreții din trecut pe care nu le poți uita...Toate acestea și multe altele sunt doar câteva moduri în care cuplurile interacționează prost. Speaking from his personal experiences of healing from heartbreak and finding lasting love, Vex shares practical advice and thought-provoking insights to help you: Gândește-te la ceea ce îi face plăcere partenerului tău și întreabă-te dacă tu hrănești aceste nevoi sau le ignori.” There are multiple layers of intimacy within any relationship. Some are physical and others emotional. Some levels of intimacy can feel almost spiritual. When you feel intimate with someone, you are able to share your true self with them, no mask attached. This non-judgemental safe space is where relationships are deeply nurtured.)

The more self-awareness you have, the better you will be at putting yourself out there and going on to be a stable partner. Sometimes, one half of a couple may have found that inner balance while the other half has unresolved issues. That's OK, because one can help the other to grow if they are ready and willing to do so. Even if you have issues you are still grappling with, you can work through them with a partner and create a stronger bond if there is a supportive space in the relationship to do so. De multe ori, pare că pierdem orice dram de claritate în relațiile noastre. Reacționăm la factori declanșatori emoționali și chiar irităm intenționat persoana de lângă noi. Este ca și cum ne-am transforma într-un adolescent problematic, care are adesea crize. Dar acest comportament nu este intenționat. Pur și simplu nu ne gândim la ceea ce facem sau la răul pe care ni-l provocăm nouă și partenerului nostru procedând astfel. Modelele de comportament inconștient pot include șantaj emoțional, manipulare, inducere în eroare sau implicare în jocuri mentale chinuitoare pentru a demonstra ceva. Din acest motiv, vorbim foarte des despre mindfulness: conștientizându-ne defectele, vom găsi și soluții la problemele cu care cuplul se confruntă.Just like emotional baggage, unreasonable expectations crowd our hearts and suffocate relationships. True love feels like freedom, emotional liberation, a chance to be loved exactly as you are and to love another for exactly who they are. I'm sure you'll discover that the person who is right for you is the one who loves you the way you are and doesn't ask you to change anything about yourself. Who wouldn't want that? At the same time, you are only the right person for them if you don't expect them to be someone else either. If you want your new partner to change, then you aren't with the person that you wanted to be with in the first place, and nor are they. I took a glance at the contents of the book and that was enough for me to fall in love with the book. Divided into three parts, the book discusses mastering the role we play within our connections, fostering meaningful and mindful relationships with others and the fundamentals of authentic, unconditional love.

You can’t give what you don’t have. So you can’t begin to form meaningful connections when you have yet to establish a true connection with yourself. That’s why if you want to experience love in its most authentic form, it’s vital to embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-love first. No relationship is a total waste. Despite how painful they may be, they teach you about what you want and what you don't want. They can remind you that you deserve better. And if it's bad enough, a bad relationship can be a catalyst for a journey inward. But no relationship, either with a past lover or friend or family member, is worth damaging future opportunities to connect with others or yourself.

Think of all the imagined issues we create simply because we choose to ruminate instead of communicating. Problems delayed are problems multiplied. Have the hard conversations now and fewer regrets later.) romantice și-au pierdut sensul de explorare, aventură și libertate. Se concentrează mai puțin pe a-l descoperi pe celălalt așa cum este și pe conexiuni unice și mai mult pe a găsi pe cineva care se potrivește unui tipar bazat vag pe așteptări nerealiste.”

For more in Vex King is the Number 1 Sunday Times Bestselling author of Good Vibes, Good Life, and Healing is the New High. He is also a social media content creator and mind coach. He experienced many challenges when he was growing up: his father died when Vex was just a baby, his family were often homeless and he grew up in troubled neighbourhoods where he regularly experienced violence and racism. Despite this, Vex successfully turned his whole life around and is now leading a revolution for the next generation of spiritual seekers. Atunci când cineva îmi povestește despre un plan personal, o idee, un vis, sper că niciodată nu am venit cu răspunsuri care să înceapă cu „da, dar…” sau doar cu contra argumente sau nu am început să vorbesc doar despre experiențele mele personale. Mie mi s-a făcut și una, și alta, și este foarte dezamăgitor. Nu spun că trebuie să aprobăm orice 100% doar de dragul de a nu contrazice, spun doar că nu ar trebui să distrugem avântul cuiva doar pentru că idea nu ni se potrivește nouă: „Când cineva îți împărtășește ceea ce este încântat să facă, încercă să nu îți exprimi îndoiala sau îngrijorarea. Deși părerea ta ar putea fi benefică, respingerea imediată a încrederii cuiva în sine poate face, pe termen lung, mai mult rău decât bine.” Now, he and his wife, leading influencer in beauty and wellness Kaushal, are joining us in London for a rare live event where they will share their wisdom and experience. After hearing them speak and having the chance to ask them your own questions, you will leave this event ready to:

Fă-ți partenerul să înțeleagă că ești alături de el când se străduiește să-și atingă visurile. Dacă asta înseamnă să conduci trei ore pentru a-l duce la un turneu de squash sau să îl ajuți să aleagă o nouă ținută pentru un interviu important, fii acolo pentru el. Participă la îndeplinirea visurilor sale și arată-i că își poate întinde aripile fără teama de a te pierde. Dacă simți că te suprasoliciți, discută cu partenerul tău despre acest lucru. Găsiți modalități de a fi flexibili cu planurile voastre, conveniți asupra unor compromisuri, astfel încât să nu riști să îți sacrifice propriile visuri pentru a le îndeplini pe ale lui.” We all deserve a relationship where we are seen, heard, understood, and accepted for who we really are. We all are looking for someone who understands where we are coming from. Vex King is the Number 1 Sunday Times Bestselling author of Good Vibes, Good Life, and Healing is the New High. He is also a social media content creator and mind coach. He experienced many challenges when he was growing up: his father died when Vex was just a baby, his family were often homeless and he grew up in troubled neighbourhoods where he regularly experienced violence and racism. Despite this, Vex successfully turned his whole life around and is now leading a revolution for the next generation of spiritual seekers. Marele poet austriac Rainer Maria Rilke scria: «Odată acceptată conștientizarea că și între cele mai appropriate ființte umane există o distanță infinită, se poate dezvolta o minunată conviețuire, dacă partenerii reușesc să iubească distanța dintre ei, care le oferă posibilitatea de a se vedea unul pe celălalt ca întreg.»” Coming to this book, the title helps those people who have trouble with attracting people, finding the right relationships and strengthening the existing connections. Inspired by his own experiences Vex chooses to write some insights, his own perspectives and certain takeaways that play an important role in relationships.

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