Posted 20 hours ago

Hangang Car Charger Gps Tracker Adapter 12-24v Micro USB Hard Wire Car Charger Kit For GPS Tracker Accessories TK905/ TK905B /TK915 /TK901 YS128

ZTS2023's avatar
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Joined in 2023

About this deal

In my case, I bought the Cosmos Elite over the Vive Pro largely because of the tilt-up feature, which I figured would be handy during VR development. As it turns out, not only has the tilt-up capability proven to be far more useful than I anticipated, but the design requires the halo strap to support all the weight of the headset. This means that I don’t have significant pressure against my face, which has been the primary source of discomfort when using other headsets. Using the enclosed alcohol wipe, clean the installation area thoroughly. It’s wise to wait for the surface to dry up before proceeding.

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