Posted 20 hours ago

Pukka Herbs | Triphala Plus Organic Herbal Supplement | Triphala Fruits, Fennel, Licorice, Psyllium and Linseed | Perfect for Regular Balance | Capsules | 1 Month Supply, 60 Count (Pack of 1)

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I amla finder vi C-vitamin og masser af det. C-vitamin ved vi jo er gavnligt for immunforsvaret og beskytter cellemembraner. Vitaminet spiller også en essentiel rolle i dannelsen af blodkar og utallige andre enzymatiske processer i kroppen. I frugten amla findes desuden gallinsyre og ellaginsyre og rutin, en kombination, som er antiinflammatorisk og har en stabiliserende effekt på bindevæv og blodkar. Har du problemer med fordøjelsen, skyldes det ofte en inflammation i mave-tarm systemet, og der kan endvidere opstå blødninger i tarmen. Amla er specielt gavnlig for sensitive tarme, især hvor der er tegn på inflammation. Herbal teas are an easy and delicious way to support your health and there are many herbs that are especially helpful for the digestion, such as ginger, aniseed, mint and fennel. Ginger and aniseed are both warming herbs that can help to stimulate a sluggish digestion, while mint and fennel are more soothing, helping you to feel more comfortable after a meal. Try Three Ginger, After Dinner, Three Mint and Mint Refresh. Peppermint & Licorice is also great if you fancy a sweet treat. As mentioned above, it’s best to wait until at least 30 minutes after your meal to get the most benefit. Skip the raw food Amalaki er et indisk stikkelsbær der har været værdsat i mange hundrede år i Indien. Det lille bær har vist sig at kunne sænke kolesteroltallet og er fyldt med vitamin C. The gut is at the centre of good health. It plays a critical role in digesting and absorbing the goodness from our food, eliminating our waste and it is also home to our gut microbiome: trillions of bacteria that support our health in a multitude of ways. The research is still evolving on this, but we know that our gut bacteria influence our immunity, our mood, our hormones and our weight (to name a few!), so taking care of these microbes is an essential step towards better health. Ayurveda, the ‘science of wellbeing’ that developed in India over 5000 years ago and is still practiced today, has long recognised the importance of gut health and suggests that poor digestion can be linked to most diseases. By adopting some of these tips below and building them into your daily routine, you will hopefully come out the other side feeling more nourished and energised, and ready to take on whatever life throws at you. Chew your food

Bibhitaki er også et gammel naturlægemiddel der har antiinflammatoriske virkninger på kroppens blod, muskler og fedtvæv. Bibhitaki bidrager til din normale knogledannelse og knoglers styrke. Bæret er kendt for at være "den, der holder sygdom væk". This may seem obvious, but it’s often helpful to start with the basics of eating, and most of us don’t chew our food nearly enough. This often comes down to eating in a hurry, eating while distracted or eating foods high in sugar, salt and flavour enhancers that we just can’t wait to swallow. Chewing both mechanically breaks down our food into smaller pieces to make it easier to digest, and activates nerves that stimulate the release of our digestive juices, so it’s a critical step not to be rushed. Different foods will require different amounts of chewing, but the key is to keep going until it’s a pure consistency. Ayurveda suggests chewing each mouthful 32 times though aiming for 10 times is a great start. Eat mindfullyComplete Fibre Cleanse contains insoluble fibres such as gluten-free psyllium husk fibre as well as acidophilus and other herbs to maintain healthy gut function. The UK's largest fully certified organic supermarket, Planet Organic offer organic food delivery across the UK and Europe. From organic veg boxes, fruit, veg, organic wine, health and beauty we think carefully about everything we sell so you don't have to. Hydration is essential for so many aspects of our health and it plays an important role in good digestion, however drinking too much liquid with our meals may actually have a negative effect. This is because fluids can dilute our digestive secretions, weakening their effects. This can be easily avoided by having a window of 30-60 minutes before and after meals without drinking, although a few small sips within this time is absolutely fine if you feel you need it. Drink teas containing digestive herbs after each meal Haritaki ligger højt i hierarkiet, når det kommer til frugter, som er gavnlige for fordøjelsessystemet. En bred skare af infektioner i tarmsystemet er haritaki god for og kan også være gavnlig ved parasitangreb, mavesår og ”leaky gut”. Ligesom amla stimulerer haritaki tarmens bevægelser, men forbedrer også tarmens evne til at optage næringsstoffer. Med dens udrensende effekt fjerner den toksiner og andre uønskede elementer fra tarmsystemet. Triphala είναι ένα από τα πιο σημαντικά φυτικά παρασκευάσματα της Αγιουρβικής Ιατρικής. Στα Σανσκριτικά, το Triphala σημαίνει τρία φρούτα και πιστά στο όνομά του, είναι ένα μείγμα από τρία φρούτα: Amalaki ή Amla, Bibhitaki και Haritaki. Πιστεύεται ότι αποκαθιστά την ισορροπία και στα τρία doshas: Vata, Pitta και Kapha, είναι ένα από τα πιο χρησιμοποιημένα τονωτικά στην Αγιουρβέδα για καθαρισμό και εξισορρόπηση ολόκληρου του σώματος. Το Triphala μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί για καθημερινό, απαλό καθαρισμό και αποτοξίνωση, για την προώθηση της κανονικότητας και για βέλτιστη πεπτική υγεία. Σύμφωνα με τις ενεργητικές αρχές της Αγιουρβέδα, το Triphala περιέχει 5 από τις 6 γεύσεις και είναι γλυκόξινη, πικάντικη, στυπτική και πικρή στην ενέργεια της γεύσης Rasa, ουδέτερη σε δράση σύμφωνα με την Virya και εξισορρόπηση για τα συνταγματικά ντούσα Vata, Pitta και Kapha, φέρνοντας ισορροπία σε ολόκληρο το σώμα. Θεωρείται ένα υπέροχο καθημερινό βότανο που υποστηρίζει τη γενική ευεξία, τη ζωτικότητα και την υγεία.

Complete Fiber Cleanse contains a comprehensive blend of both soluble and insoluble fibres in a probiotic base which work to cleanse the gut of waste matter efficiently. Insoluble fibres bind with water and increase the volume of waste matter resulting in more frequent and softer bowel movements with less risk of constipation. Soluble fibres help to soothe the irritated linings of the intestines easing the symptoms of inflammatory bowel diseases such as IBS which are often accompanied by constipation. Soluble fibres are also of great benefit for the maintenance of healthy cholesterol levels and assist in the elimination of toxins from the gut. Potential Health Benefits of Triphala The three fruits in Triphala contain many antioxidants, such as flavonoids, polyphenols, saponins, vitamin C, and more. Antioxidants can help fight free radicals in the body, reducing inflammation along with your risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and others. 2. Is it good to take Triphala everyday?Our modern diet and lifestyles are presenting an increasing number of challenges for our guts, and unfortunately this means digestive issues are on the rise. Some signs that indicate the gut may need some extra support include frequent bloating, trapped wind, urgent or sluggish bowels, low mood, fatigue and skin issues. But the good news is that there is a lot we can do to improve our gut health naturally, through diet, herbs and lifestyle changes, and we can get started right away! Anvendelse af Triphala Triphala kan findes som pulver, kapsel, tablet eller flydende ekstrakt, dog kan det være svært at finde kapsler og tabletter, da triphala ikke er så udbredt i Danmark endnu. Bibhitaki hjælper din krop ved at udtørre og fjerne overskydende slim og væske rundt omkring i kroppen, herunder i mave-tarmsystemet. Ved at fjerne overskydende slim i tarmsystemet bliver fordøjelsen mere effektiv og modstandsdygtig. En sund tarmslimhinde er vigtig for at fange skadelige bakterier eller vira, som kroppen ikke kan nedbryde. Frugten styrker desuden tarmen ved, at den aktiverer tarmbevægelserne, og den er derfor god for både træg og løs mave. Med Wholistic Triphala og Triphala Plus fra Pukka finder du et koncentreret miks af de tre slags frugter. Pukka er kendt for deres økologiske produkter, og du får derfor en naturlig løsning til din fordøjelse. Husk dog altid at spise groft, grønt, dyrk motion, og drik vand.

Fibre cleanse with psyllium husk fibre is an excellent way of increasing your daily fibre intake to help maintain smooth digestive function. Vi gør dette for at holde det simpelt for alle. Vi mener at det er fair at vi tilbyder alle varer, selv de tunge i vores sortiment. På de tunge varer, tager vi så et tung vare gebyr. Vi håber på din forståelse af dette, og at i støtter op om målet med et stort sortiment, da alternativet er at vi som en lang række af vores konkurrenter holder op med at sælge disse vare. Det ønsker vi ikke. At Pukka's heart (and a big heart that is) is ayurvedic medicine. The products that stem from Pukka wholistically embrace health. A huge emphasis is placed on sourcing sustainable organic plants, and on looking after those involved in production of Pukka products, ensuring fair rewards and charitable support.

Pukka Triphala Plus

For at sikre at ingredienserne holder en høj kvalitet efter åbningen, skal den indvendige pose lukkes, og indholdet skal anvendes inden for tre måneder. Pukka has grown from its beliefs in ayurveda – the ancient Indian art of living wisely – and the incredible health benefits of organic herbs. The more we learn about Pukka from founder Sebastian Pole, the more impressed with this beautiful Bristol based company we are. Translated from Hindi, Pukka means 'authentic', 'genuine' or, more colloquially, 'top-quality', 'Pukka' epitomises all that they represent – ethos, ambition and everything this company creates.

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