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GAME: Between the Suits Vol. 1: Between the Suits 1

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The girl is also A VERY AMAZING CHARACTER. She’s like a Kuudere, she’s cool and calm, emotionless and always focuses on her Job. She didn’t like the guy at first but the guy kept nagging and trying to seduce her, so they had a deal that their relationship would just be “physical”. I like how calm she is with everything and how she doesn’t get driven by the guy too easily, because she is “ HARD TO GET”. She also very curious about the guy because she can never tell what he thinks or what’s behind his smile, that’s why she believes that everything the guy tells her is just a lie to make the game more “Interesting”. Die Geschichte ist fesselnd erzählt und die verschiedenen Protagonisten sind gut unterscheidbar und charakteristisch gezeichnet. Manchmal war ich allerdings nicht ganz sicher, zu wem jetzt die Gedanken- bzw. Sprechblasen gehörten. Trotzdem konnte ich der Handlung gut folgen, da die Panels gut strukturiert und klar aufgeteilt sind.

Game" è edito da Planet Manga e rientra nella nuova collana spicy...con storie più piccanti. Si tratta di uno josei smut, ovvero ha come protagonisti delle persone adulte e contiene delle scene di sesso (sempre non esplicite). NOTE: if you would prefer to read this series online, this volume contains chapters (or plays) 1-4. El argumento como ya dije, me parecía cliché pero tiene un giro interesante y es que no es que esten juntos pero sin enamorarse. Es que ellos admiten que no saben lo que eso significa realmente y deciden estar juntos mientras tanto para ver si algo surge entre ellos. Un buen trato para ambos. Y ese es el juego, hacer sentir algo al otro. I appreciate all the small signs you notice of him falling for her. Kiriyama has his own set of issues but it isn't something that really bothers me. It starts off quite casual but what's fun is noticing all the details and subtle expressions. Somehow, at least personally, there is something quite sensual about the scenes. Not because it is actually incredibly erotic or hardcore but because you can sense tension beneath everything. He expresses his interest in her through desires but I think it is simply because he has never learnt any other way of expressing it. Most importantly, the female lead is super badass, independent and knows how to say no (for once). Many people probably read it just to see how everything turns out for her. I'm sure there are people who will be put off bythe male lead's more playboy like character, or simply grow bored of it but it has become one of my favourites to reread among the smut genre (personally). Thank you for reading:)

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At first they were just playing the game like how they planned it. Everyday sex, bets, games, BDSM ( yes this was my fave ) and just work. Little did they know that something was about to develop within their little “game”. They didn’t notice that they were being more aware of each other and they didn’t know they were slowly falling inlove, although they do not admit it, and still confused on why they felt that way.

Der Manga dreht sich um Sayo Fuji. Sayo ist durch und durch Karrierefrau und mit allen Wassern gewaschen. Männer kann sie dadurch nicht lange halten. Wieso? Nun, in Japan ist das Frauenbild zwar auch verändert worden durch die Jahre hinweg, dennoch ist die klassische Rollenverteilung vorherrschend und gewollt. Die Männer in Sayo's Leben haben nie verstanden, dass ihr ihre Karriere wichtig ist.The manga series has been serialized since October 2015 in Love Jossie magazine by Hakusensha, where it's currently being released. The chapters have been collected in five volumes so far, released irregularely. La protagonista è Sayo, una donna in carriera che ama particolarmente il suo lavoro. Per questo motivo non riesce a mantenere una relazione stabile perchè i suoi partner la considerano più un uomo, sempre seria e dedita a ciò che fa. Finchè nella sua compagnia non arriverá un nuovo assunto di nome Kiriyama. Lui inizia subito ad interessarsi a lei e a corteggiarla in modo spudorato ma dimostrandosi anche comprensivo nei suoi confronti. Fra i due inizia quindi una specie di patto in cui avranno solo una relazione fisica. Il gioco finirá quando uno dei due si innamorerá di qualcun altro. Questo manga lo seguivo giá in scan ed è una di quelle serie che, nonostante ci sia parecchio sesso, ti intriga totalmente e ti fa rimanere incollata alle pagine. Tra una seduzione e l'altra infatti scopriremo molte sfaccettature del carattere dei personaggi. Insomma, sará interessante vedere la loro psicologia, i loro comportamenti, i loro cambiamenti nel corso dei capitoli. Infatti credo che le scene di sesso non siano mere a se stesse ma anche usate per smascherare pian piano queste due persone. Kiriyama nonostante i suoi modi gentili sembra un tipo freddo e distaccato, dove niente e nessuno riesce a scalfirlo. Ha sicuramente qualcosa che nasconde dentro di sè del suo passato. È un personaggio che amerete ed odierete al tempo stesso. Sayo invece è una protagonista che mi è piaciuta un sacco perchè è bellissima, forte, determinata, indipendente e che non si lascia mettere i piedi in testa da nessun uomo. E con Kiriyama non sará da meno. La tensione sará altissima tra loro due.

Fujii Sayo has worked hard to climb the ranks at her firm, and she won’t let anything stand in her way–even if it costs her lover after lover. Enter her new colleague: Kiriyama Ryouichi. He’s obedient enough in the boardroom, but in private, he’s challenging and flirtatious–he wants her and he isn’t afraid to show it. After falling into bed with him once and insisting it won’t happen again, Ryouichi has an assertion of his own: she’ll give in. The two agree to an affair that will only last until Sayo finds someone more suitable to her station and temperament, but Ryouichi is confident he’ll win against any other man. Thus begins a sizzling game of push and pull that will set their office alight!Sayo está convencida de que la supuesta seriedad de Kiriyama es solo un interés pasajero y que eso no durará demasiado. Kiriyama por su parte está decidido a ganar este juego y hacer que Sayo realmente sienta cosas por él. Josei ist nichts weiter als der japanische Begriff für Mangas die für Frauen geschrieben worden sind. Nov 20 From the U.S. to Japan, You Can Control the Life-Size Moving Gundam from the Comfort of Your Own Home

El dibujo bellísimo, cuidado y elegante hace que las expresiones de los personajes sean claras y fluidas. Jerarquiza las expresiones y hace que cada mirada, gesto o roce cuenten. Y todo termina viéndose muy delicado y sensual en cada escena. Das wird heiß! Die beiden Charaktere auf dem Cover in einer recht eindeutigen Position geben den Ton an. Ein interessanter Josei* Manga wartet darauf gelesen zu werden. THE ONE THING I LOVE ABOUT THIS IS REALLY HOW “ SEDUCTIVE “ the guy is. He is very professional, FLIRTY, SADISTIC and really really really DOMINANT. He is cool but sexy at the same time and just looking at him makes girls pregnant ahaha (obviously a joke) Ya que quien nos cuenta la historia es Sayo no podemos saber más de lo que realmente piensa o siente Kiriyama, el no deja de decirle a Sayo que le gusta, que es muy linda y siempre la trata con delicadeza en esos momentos intensos pero todo esto lo vemos a través de los ojos incrédulos y recelosos de Sayo que juran que todo es parte de una táctica que ha usado con muchas más. Mir war das Cover aufgefallen und ich konnte nicht widerstehen, da ich neugierig auf den Inhalt geworden bin. Also habe ich den Manga bei meinem letzten Besuch im Comix gekauft.

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Wie vorab schon erwähnt, das Cover ist heiß! Die Kombination aus schwarzem Hintergrund und roter Schrift ist sehr auffällig. Ich finde, dass der Manga dadurch sofort im Regal ins Auge springt. Von der Art der Gestaltung erinnert mich das Coverdesign an „Piece – Erinnerung an eine Fremde“. Alles in allem finde ich das Cover sehr gelungen. Los personajes: Sayo, nuestra protagonista es increíble, una mujer fuerte, decidida, profesional, independiente, dedicada a su trabajo y quizá un poco fría. Tener una protagonista así me emociona. Es la mejor en su trabajo y eso la ha llevado a tener unos cuantos problemas con sus relaciones al dejarlas de lado pero ella no entiende porque deberían estarían por encima de eso. Su alrededor la juzga porque trabaja tanto y solo es una mujer. J’ai trouvé que ce premier tome plantait bien les bases de l’histoire, entre sensualité et humour. Le tome 2 paraîtra au mois de juin et je me réjouis de découvrir cette suite ! ♥ Die Geschichte folgt hauptsächlich der Karrierefrau Sayo Fuji durch ihr Privat- und Geschäftsleben.

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